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Chinese translation for "rebel yell"


Related Translations:
yelled:  大叫
rebel:  n.造反者,反叛者;起义者,反抗者;〔美国〕(内战时期的)南方人。adj.造反的,反叛的。 the rebel army 叛军。vi.造反,反叛;反抗,不服从;厌恶 (against; at)。 The stomach rebels against too much food. 胃不能接受过多的食物。
rebels:  反抗者叛民
rebel rebel:  造反造反
rebelled:  反叛
to yell at sb:  大声向叫喊
he was so startled that he yelled:  他惊吓得高声喊叫
rebel alliance:  反抗军同盟
rebel image:  叛逆形象
rebel forces:  叛军
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